Wednesday, February 13, 2008


LOVE, nobody can live without love, it’s like the core of life, as long as love exists in your life; you will be able to live happily and to fill the gaps in your heart. Everybody’s looking for her/his soul mate, to complete the lost second half of her/his life. So, when you’re attracted to someone you like, you should consider many things in her/him. Understanding; the most important thing in a relationship, there should be a way that two people who’re falling in love should communicate through. Responsibility, a lover needs someone who s/he can count on, whenever you face problems you can run from your life to the one you love, s/he can relief you. Kindness, how do you love someone who can’t sympathize with you or could be nice in how s/he treat you? A lover got to have mercy. A person with an aim in life, this can be a reason to love someone; a person you can depend on, because you going to live with that person, so you’ll know how your life with her/hem would be!
Whenever you find someone who has those most important features, you can expose your love to him. But, Ouch! What if s/he doesn’t feel the same toward you? That’s the sad side of LOVE, where misery starts. I think you should change your destination whenever you are in such a situation. Good Luck!

~~<3 HapPy Valentine's Day <3~~

1 comment:

Azimi Advanced Composition said...

I agree that understanding is vital to a relationship; being able to communicate everything is crucial. Responsibility is extremely necessary from all the important people in your life. I want to count on each person. Kindness just seems like common decency; but then, I have met some people who I believe never did a kind act in their lives.
Wish you all the best in love and life. Thanks for sharing!
Mrs. Azimi